Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dancing with Strangers.
Today's cartoon was inspired by our doggy guest "Mario", who really isn't a stranger but makes Rodney always a bit uneasy when he is playing with HIS Bicalina. Bica on the other hand doesn't perceive it as a complicated issue . .

Taking our Canine Visitor on a Sightseeing Tour
Since we are a full service doggy B&B, we took our house guest Mario to Great Falls Park yesterday for a long sightseeing walk. As far as stimulation for canine noses goes, that is a great place to visit - but see for yourselves: 
Mr. Budelheimer will be our tour guide for the day.
Madame Tessa assures our guest that it's perfectly safe on the viewing platform and he does not have to worry about the river coming up over the walls. (Mario didn't get to see the Potomac a few days ago, when the water was really dangerously high ! )
This was yesterday's view of the river. The rocks of the waterfall are beginning to reappear again.
Mario was following our tour guide Rodney, and as we were walking . . .
. . . rocks had to be climbed (Here you can see Mario's climbing instructor, Bicalina) . . .
. . . and all in a sudden it began to snow . . .
The fearless bunch pressed on and enjoyed some views along the way . . .

Tessa and Rodney lead the way through the frozen swamp . . .
. . . taking our guest by the paw and guiding him safely through the wilderness . . .
Towards the end, the path was covered in snow and it was time to get on the road and head on home.

Mr. Budelheimer will be our tour guide for the day.

Friday, January 29, 2010
Bica's Friend Mario is here for a Visit - yeaaaaah !
As you can see - they really like each other and Mario is the only dog who shy Bicalina plays with in that manner. Makes me smile ! :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Potomac Is Raging !
Today we went to take some pictures of the Potomac at Great Falls Park. I haven't seen the water level that high in years. It's quite impressive !
What makes me a bit sad and disappointed though is the fact, that this is one of the dirtiest rivers I have ever seen (and smelled ! ). When do people realize that nature is precious and needs to be saved ?

This is a perfect example what should NOT be floating around in a river. Tires, barrels, bottles and other garbage that people just discard into the water. As mentioned before: The smell indicates that there's more raw sewage than water in the Potomac.
But - there are nice images of it as well:

For comparison, this is, what this view usually looks like:

Here now a few impressions from our walk, which lead us along the river:

Now let me show you a few pictures of the furgang, as we are climbing through the rocks along the river:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Goofing off with Photoshop

Today I'll post a few "portraits" I worked over using Photoshop. There's more to drawing than just cartoons (even though I have to admit that drawing cartoons is a lot harder to do):
This is Motte. Monster's alter ego from Germany.
(These two are probably secret soulmates *lol*)
Mario, Bica's play buddy and doggy friend
Beau - Reflections

(These two are probably secret soulmates *lol*)

The "man" in Tessa's life: The German bred Hovawart Beau. Isn't he beautiful ? (Hence the name.)



The previous image got me into some serious trouble with the Monster-Fanclub and so I had to redeem myself and add a more sophisticated image of dear Mr. Budelheimer:

I have to admit that I don't really know the half of it when it comes to all the things one can create using Adobe Photoshop. All I can say is, that it's lots of fun trying to figure things out. I also have to admit that I am not into reading tutorials and that most of the images I once created won't happen a second time. (But then again: I cook the same way. There's never the same dish twice. *lol*)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Watching Television

Let's face it: What better show for a crazed dachshund than "National Geographic" or "Mutual of Omaha". Today's cartoon was inspired by Monster's (who else ?) love-hate relationship to certain nature shows. But see for yourself:

Okay lady - enough talking. Let's watch the "movie" !
Gosh - don't you hate it, when they let you sit through those darn commercials ?
Peeeeee-uuuuuuuuh ! That dude has bad breath !
Hehehe - that's a perfect moment to nip a lion in the butt !
Now that's what I'm talking about ! Come to Papa - it's lunchtime ! !
Wait a minute, you moron ! That's MY buck ! *grrrrrrr*
(Monsti was definitely not willed to share his prize with a wild dog nor anyone else.)
After an hour of adventure TV, fatigue sets in and the picture changes
Heartfelt thanks to Dr. McIntyre for enabling Monsterman to sleep in such a twisted position again. As always, she worked wonders on that dachshund spine ! Kudos.

(Monsti was definitely not willed to share his prize with a wild dog nor anyone else.)
After an hour of adventure TV, fatigue sets in and the picture changes

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Do You Remember Love ?
Today I stumbled upon a poem I want to share with you. Also - don't you just love that tender moment between Bica and Tessa ? Thinking back how scared Bica used to be, this just warms my heart.
Do you remember love ? A poem that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy......and perhaps a little bit sad:
It makes us all realize how much we love our four legged pals.

It makes us all realize how much we love our four legged pals.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Inspired by our walk today

.....and it so happens, that when it comes to deer and wildlife in general, even Tessa's shiloh-halo slips off to the side and she would love to join in the wild hunt. Dream on, sweet dogs !! Wildlife gets stressed real easy and therefore, if I am in an area where I know that we'll see deer or other wild critters, the furgang has to stay on a leash. Don't let the cartoon fool you: The dogs are fed by their humans and they want for nothing.
Nonetheless - Mr. Budelheimer loves to zig-zag on deer trails and he loves to announce every fresh scent he can find. Mrs. Budelheimer on the other hand, having grown up in a crate and not having been exposed to anything, really can not find any amusement in chasing things she can't even see.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Life's Philosophies
... as seen by a mouse:

It teaches us, not to take all things in life for granted.
The furgang is somewhat distraught today because it is raining ice instead of sunshine. The fair weather dachsies have gone into hibernation and Tessa is the only one who loves to go out. Rain or shine. I guess the Budelheimers will get the day off and Tessa and I will go for a relaxing walk in the ice rain. I love the dachsies, but sometimes having a day off is good for the soul. (Mine that is !)

It teaches us, not to take all things in life for granted.
The furgang is somewhat distraught today because it is raining ice instead of sunshine. The fair weather dachsies have gone into hibernation and Tessa is the only one who loves to go out. Rain or shine. I guess the Budelheimers will get the day off and Tessa and I will go for a relaxing walk in the ice rain. I love the dachsies, but sometimes having a day off is good for the soul. (Mine that is !)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dogwalk at Great Falls Park
For those of you who don't know where Great Falls Park is: It's in Great Falls.
We are lucky to have a national park so close by where we can walk the dogs. During the week there is hardly anyone there and we sometimes walk for almost two hours without meeting a soul.
And that 's a good thing, because Mr. Budelheimer (a.k.a. Rodney, Rodmonster, Monsi.....you get the idea) likes to think of this park as his personal property anyways and whoever dares to enjoy the great outdoors there has to deal with him. So he thinks. Fortunately the girls aren't as possessive as their sidekick and patiently wait for his temper tantrums to be over before continuing on our merry way. The times we girls get to go without the Monsterman are almost boring. You can actually walk past strangers and their dogs, joggers, geese and most other wildlife without alarming all of Northern Virginia that you are coming down that path. Bless his heart, but with Monster around, watching wildlife is next to impossible.
Today was a somewhat muddy but sunny day and we spent about two hours at the park, having to share it only with about 10 joggers, one border collie, one labrador and one mutt of unknown origin. As I was darting into ditches and behind trees to avoid direct confrontation between Monsterman and his oncoming enemies, I realized that off the path where little puddles which - with a gurgling sound - gave way to foot deep mud. Oh the joy of dog ownership (sometimes) !
Anyways - we managed to finish our walk without leaving any victims behind and I can still hear those deer and squirrels giggle from the safety of the underbrush.
Now here are a few images of Rodney's personal park, and if you ever go there, don't be surprised if he objects to your presence there. (Please click on the image to view on a larger screen.)
We are lucky to have a national park so close by where we can walk the dogs. During the week there is hardly anyone there and we sometimes walk for almost two hours without meeting a soul.
And that 's a good thing, because Mr. Budelheimer (a.k.a. Rodney, Rodmonster, Monsi.....you get the idea) likes to think of this park as his personal property anyways and whoever dares to enjoy the great outdoors there has to deal with him. So he thinks. Fortunately the girls aren't as possessive as their sidekick and patiently wait for his temper tantrums to be over before continuing on our merry way. The times we girls get to go without the Monsterman are almost boring. You can actually walk past strangers and their dogs, joggers, geese and most other wildlife without alarming all of Northern Virginia that you are coming down that path. Bless his heart, but with Monster around, watching wildlife is next to impossible.
Today was a somewhat muddy but sunny day and we spent about two hours at the park, having to share it only with about 10 joggers, one border collie, one labrador and one mutt of unknown origin. As I was darting into ditches and behind trees to avoid direct confrontation between Monsterman and his oncoming enemies, I realized that off the path where little puddles which - with a gurgling sound - gave way to foot deep mud. Oh the joy of dog ownership (sometimes) !
Anyways - we managed to finish our walk without leaving any victims behind and I can still hear those deer and squirrels giggle from the safety of the underbrush.
Now here are a few images of Rodney's personal park, and if you ever go there, don't be surprised if he objects to your presence there. (Please click on the image to view on a larger screen.)
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