It was yesterday four years ago that we had to say our final good bye to the most handsome great dane of all times, Daytona. (A.k.a. Lonie, Lonelone, Tony the Pony to name a few) Daytona was very special and very loved. When he was diagnosed with
Myopathy at age 7 1/2 we were heartbroken. He will never be forgotten and I will post a few pictures of him to keep his memory alive:

Here he meets little Megan at a horse show. She insisted that he was a "horsey".

He also was a wonderful therapy dog and received the Shawna Award from Fairfax Pets on Wheels.

He also was a successful showdog, even though he sometimes lacked the enthusiasm to run around in pointless circles.
His pedigreed name was CH M&M's Harley D's Daytona

Wasn't he the handsomest ever ?
We miss you, Lonelone !