Yesterday morning. Blue sky, fresh air, happy birds, tips of tulips trying to stretch towards the sun - the general feeling of spring was in the air. The Humans took the furgang to their nice Sunday morning outing at Great Falls Park. We were out and about for nearly 2 hours and it felt wonderful to finally be able to enjoy walking on "terra firma" without any snowbanks and -drifts piling up as natural obstacles. Especially our short legged Budelheimers seemed utterly delighted about that new found footing. I actually enjoyed it so much that I didn't mind going there a second time.

After lunch I grabbed just Tessa (it was to be more of a recreational type walk...) and we met with Tessa's best friends Beau and Alle and of course their "humans' Barbara and Nancy, who are very dear friends of mine.

Aren't they a magnificent trio ? Despite their looks and maybe reputation, all three are the friendliest and gentlest dogs you will ever meet. Add the Budelheimers to the equation and there goes tranquility.
We hat planned on meeting around 3 pm and it turned out, that we had to wait in line for almost 40 minutes just to get into the park ! It was as if someone had opened imaginary city walls and set sun starving people free. We were prepared for the worst, but as it turned out, people were only interested in picnic areas and the waterfalls. Our hiking trails were almost abandoned and we only met the occasional nature lover enjoying the woods the way we did.

Another two hours later we got back to the parking lot and here are some impressions from our walk:

Tessa had a great day. Two almost two-hour walks with her best doggy friends and a good, raw meal for dinner. She fell on her bed and called it a day. She was still seen this morning all snuggled up to Mrs. Budelheimer:

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